I can't make NAT work on 2.6.9. Outgoing packets are translated and sent,add this:
but incoming packets get rejected. pc4 is the other box (inside the NAT) and
host164-26... is the dynamic address of my machine:
20:42:20.132876 IP pc4.33115 > nsa.tin.it.domain: 7213+ AAAA? www.drweb32.com. (33)
20:42:20.132876 PPPoE [ses 0x5198] IP host164-26.pool21345.interbusiness.it.33115 > nsa.tin.it.domain: 7213+ AAAA? www.drweb32.com. (33)
20:42:20.446829 PPPoE [ses 0x5198] [length 124 (4 extra bytes)] IP nsa.tin.it.domain > host164-26.pool21345.interbusiness.it.33115: 7213 0/1/0 (94)
20:42:20.446829 PPPoE [ses 0x5198] IP host164-26.pool21345.interbusiness.it > nsa.tin.it: icmp 130: host164-26.pool21345.interbusiness.it udp port 33115 unreachable
I enable NAT with this commands:
echo "1" >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr
echo "1" >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s pc4 -d ! -j MASQUERADE
I also tried SNAT with same results. I don't know if this info is useful:
all the connection couples shown by /proc/net/ip_conntrack are in
[UNREPLIED] state. I'm using iptables 1.2.11 and linux 2.6.9. All the above
works just fine with and previous versions.
Linux Jay 2.6.9 #3 SMP Mon Dec 13 19:58:08 CET 2004 ppc unknown
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