Re: Time goes crazy in 2.6.9 after long cli [was Re: USB makingtime drift]
From: Alan Cox
Date: Thu Dec 16 2004 - 08:51:54 EST
On Iau, 2004-12-16 at 11:13, Andrea Arcangeli wrote:
> Well, I was pretty sure it was reproducible since the PIT and TSC are
> standard hw in all machines, it's just the excessive usb irq latency
TSC is not by any means standard hw in all machines and it has a whole
pile of issues on some of them with the way it varies rate and/or stops.
> My suggestion is that first we fix the accuracy of this, and *then* we
> consider switching to a one-short timer.
Agreed - one shot timers are going to be nearly impossible to use for
system time accounting because we keep losing time resetting it.
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