Puzzle about the setlocale Function in Miracle3.0
From: Gewj
Date: Wed Dec 29 2004 - 07:19:30 EST
There has a quite strange thing about the setlocale function
in Miracle3.0
(Linux 2.4.21-9.38AX #1 Wed Nov 10 22:00:41 EST 2004 i686
glibc-common-2.3.2-95.20.1AX )
I used the following code in a daemon program and start it in rc3.d
setlocale(LC_ALL, "ja_JP");
bindtextdomain("express", "/usr/local/mo");
//get string from .mo file according to the locale set
the dir structure of /usr/local/mo is list below:
where I reboot the machine, gettext("MyID") return its string defined in
en_US .mo file instead of in ja_JP .mo file
But where I restart the same daemon program after reboot , the same
program works OK.
Can anyone show me some tips to the reason?
thanks in advance.
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