Re: VQs in Gred!
From: Zhenyu Wu
Date: Wed Dec 29 2004 - 19:46:46 EST
> > HOW does the Gred schedule packets of differnet priorities?
> The packets are all enqueued onto the same queue. Gred is not
> about prioritizing but only about dropping, hence once the packet
> is enqueued it doesn't make sense to differ anymore. The difference
Ok. Then, if the average packet(qave) does not exceed the threshhold, that is, the
packet has not been dropped, it will be enqueued into the physical queue, right?
So we can't see the different process of scheduling packets which are from
different kinds of traffic, we just know which packet might be dropped, right?
> to normal red is that one can use separate red calculation
> parameters per tcindex flow. tcindex is usually set via dsmark/
> tcindex with contents of the dscp field. You might want to use a
> more aggressive set of parameters for your bulk flows and treat
> your interactive flows with more respect.
what does "the more aggressive set of parameters" mean? The parameters to Gred?
Thank you very much!
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