Re: starting with 2.7
From: Rik van Riel
Date: Tue Jan 04 2005 - 18:50:10 EST
On Wed, 5 Jan 2005, Felipe Alfaro Solana wrote:
Stabilizing, for me at least, means fixing bugs, not adding new features
(unless those new features are totally necessary).
The definition of "totally necessary" is going to vary
from user to user. For some people, the ability to
use AGP on a system with more than 4GB RAM is necessary,
leading to the recent API change.
Thus, I don't see how freezing the 2.6 codebase, waiting some time for
bugs to get fixed and things to settle down, then forking off 2.7 could
be a non-sense.
Hey, that's what we do between 2.6.N and 2.6.(N+1) ;)
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