Re: thoughts on kernel security issues

From: John Richard Moser
Date: Thu Jan 13 2005 - 14:54:29 EST

Hash: SHA1

Norbert van Nobelen wrote:
> On Thursday 13 January 2005 19:59, you wrote:


>>You can't guarantee you can guess a password. You could for example
>>write a pam module that mandates a 3 second delay on failed
>>authentication for a user (it does it for the console currently; use 3
>>separate consoles and you can do the attack 3 times faster). Now you
>>have to guess the password with one try every 3 seconds.
> Already done, actually standard practice. This does not mean actually that you
> can not guess a password, just that it will take longer (on average).
> Luck and some knowledge about the system and people speeds up the process, so
> the standard procedure if you really want to get into a system with a
> password is to get information.

I'm pretty sure that you only get a 3 second delay on the specific
console. I've mistyped my root password on tty1, and switched to tty2
to log in before the delay was up.

as a test, switch to vc/0 and enter 'root', then press enter. Type a
bogus password.

Switch to vc/1, and enter 'root', then press enter. Type your real root

Go back to vc/0 and hit enter so you submit your false password, then
immediately switch to vc/1 and hit enter.

You should get a bash shell and have enough time to switch to vc/0 and
see it still waiting for a second or two, before returning "login

Automating an attack on about 10 different ssh connections shouldn't be
a problem. Just keep creating them.

>>aA1# 96 possible values per character, 8 characters. 7.2139x10^15
>>combinations. It takes 686253404.7 years to go through all those at one
>>every 3 seconds. You've got a good chance at half that.
>>This isn't "hard," it's "infeasible." I think the idea is to make it so
>>an attacker doesn't have to put lavish amounts of work into creating an
>>exploit that reliably re-exploits a hole over and over again; but to
>>make it so he can't make an exploit that actually works, unless it works
>>only by rediculously remote chance.
>>>So all security issues are about balancing cost vs gain. I'm convinced
>>>that the gain from openness is higher than the cost. Others will
>>Yes. Nobody code audits your binaries. You need source code to do
>>source code auditing. :)
>>> Linus
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