Re: 2.6.10 dies when X tries to initialize PCI radeon 9200 SE

From: David Lang
Date: Thu Jan 13 2005 - 21:22:11 EST

I ran into a similar problem with and found that by downgrading to AGP4 I could get it to work.

DAvid Lang

On Thu, 13 Jan 2005, John covici wrote:

Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2005 06:00:40 -0500
From: John covici <covici@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Helge Hafting <helge.hafting@xxxxxxx>
Cc: Kernel Mailing List <linux-kernel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: 2.6.10 dies when X tries to initialize PCI radeon 9200 SE

I am getting something similar -- the X process gets stuck in some
kind of system call, but I can login from the network and shut the
system down, but I cannot change the console from the X to a text

on Thursday 01/13/2005 Helge Hafting(helge.hafting@xxxxxxx) wrote
> 2.6.10 boots fine, but is killed by the X server when it
> tries to initialize my PCI radeon 9200 SE. This problem exists
> in 2.6.9 too, but not in So I'm stuck with that version currently.
> The problem seems to be access to the card bios, X uses
> int10 bios calls to initialize the card.
> Helge Hafting
> -
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John Covici
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