iswraid and 2.4.x?

From: Martins Krikis
Date: Tue Jan 18 2005 - 12:29:18 EST

--- Marcelo Tosatti <marcelo.tosatti@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> It seems the general consensus is to merge iswraid, so I'm fine with
> it.
> Martins, we are approaching -rc stage, I would prefer the merge to
> happen
> at the beginning of 2.4.29-pre. Is that fine for you?


I seemed to have missed the 2.4.29-pre stages, unfortunately.
Are you planning on a 2.4.30, too? I'd still love to get
iswraid accepted in the 2.4 tree eventually...

The version that's out on SourceForge right now would be alright
as is with the 2.4.29-x kernels, if that's any help. In about a
week I'm planning to have a new version that adds RAID10 support
for the ICH7R-based machines. Please let me know what my options
are (if any) regarding getting iswraid in 2.4.

Thanks very much,

Martins Krikis
Storage Components Division
Intel Massachusetts

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