Re: 2.6.11-rc2-mm1

From: Brice Goglin
Date: Mon Jan 24 2005 - 07:03:12 EST

Andrew Morton a écrit :

- Lots of updates and fixes all over the place.

Hi Andrew,

X does not work anymore when using DRI on my Compaq Evo N600c (Radeon Mobility M6 LY).
My XFree 4.3 (from Debian testing) with DRI uses drm and radeon kernel modules.

Instead of the usual gdm window, I get a black or noisy screen (remaining image parts of
last working session). The mouse pointer works. Sysrq works. But Caps-lock doesn't work.
The machine pings but I can't ssh.

I don't know exactly what's happening. I don't see anything interesting in dmesg.
Removing DRI from Xfree config (even if drm/radeon modules are loaded) makes X work again.
Linus' 2.6.11-rc2 works fine.

.config and lspci attached.


Attachment: config.gz
Description: application/gunzip

Attachment: lspci.gz
Description: application/gunzip