Re: [RFC] Linux Kernel Subversion Howto
From: Larry McVoy
Date: Thu Feb 03 2005 - 15:26:41 EST
> As Peter said, once every 6 hours is fine. Or even more often, what
> the heck, as I said in a previous post I don't think an incremental
> export is that much costly. It could be done at the same time as
> the -bkX patches...
I'll see what I can do.
> Speaking from the out-BK point of view, what would really be nice
> is better granularity in the CVS export (a 1-1 changeset to CVS commit
> mapping). I know this involves playing with CVS branches and could
> be a bit tricky but should be doable.
I have two problems with this request:
- The idea that the granularity in CVS is unreasonable is pure
nonesense. Here's the data as of this email:
CVS BitKeeper [*]
Deltas 235,956 280,212
- It is not at all an easy thing to do in CVS, we looked at it and
guessed it is about 3 man months of work.
So let's see what's reasonable. In order for you to get the last 16%
of the granularity, which you need because you want to compete with us,
you'd like us to do another 3 man months of work. What would you say if
you were me in this situation?
[*] Commands used to generate the above data:
bk -r prs -hnd:I: | wc -l
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
open(F, "find linux-2.5 -name '*,v' |");
$files = $revs = 0;
while (<F>) {
open(F2, $_);
$head = <F2>;
unless ($head =~ /head\s+1\.(\d+)/) {
warn "\n$_ is junk\n";
$revs += $1;
print STDERR "files=$files revs=$revs\r";
print "\n\nfiles=$files revs=$revs\n";
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