Re: Drive performance bottleneck
From: Nuno Silva
Date: Sat Feb 05 2005 - 23:28:47 EST
Andrew Morton wrote:
Lincoln Dale <ltd@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
sg_dd uses a window into a kernel DMA window. as such, two of the four
memory acccesses are cut out (1. DMA from HBA to RAM, 2. userspace
accessing data).
1.6Gbps / 2 = 800MB/s -- or roughly what Ian was seeing with sg_dd.
Right. That's a fancy way of saying "cheating" ;)
But from the oprofile output it appears to me that there is plenty of CPU
capacity left over. Maybe I'm misreading it due to oprofile adding in the
SMP factor (25% CPU on a 4-way means we've exhausted CPU capacity).
sg_dd is lying or /dev/sg* is broken. Try to do that sg_dd test in any
single drive and you'll get 20 times the performance you're supposed to
puma:/tmp/dd# time sg_dd if=/dev/sg1 of=/dev/null bs=64k count=1000000
Reducing read to 64 blocks per loop
time to transfer data was 69.784784 secs, 939.12 MB/sec
1000000+0 records in
1000000+0 records out
This is a single sata drive. I'm lucky, am I not? ;-)
Nuno Silva
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