Re: [RFC/RFT] [patch] Elo serial touchscreen driver
From: Paulo Marques
Date: Wed Feb 09 2005 - 13:12:15 EST
Vojtech Pavlik wrote:
On Wed, Feb 09, 2005 at 06:14:38PM +0100, Jan-Benedict Glaw wrote:
I want serious support for ALL touchscreens in Linux.
I'm glad to hear it. I was just pointing out the "serial" part, because,
unlike USB and other interfaces, a serial port can not say "what" is
attached to it, so we need the "inputattach" method to explain to the
kernel what is there (and the irattach, pppd, etc.).
Maybe I'd write drivers for the T-Sharc and fujitsu controllers, too.
These are in a lot of POS hardware, too, and sometimes they're a pain to
use (esp. calibration).
Well, if you write them, send them my way. :)
I sometimes feel that we should have a "generic" touch screen driver
from looking at the code for the different brands.
Almost all touch screen data goes something like this:
- every packet is fixed size, N bytes long
- the "header" bytes can be described by <data> AND <mask> ==
something expected
- the X,Y,pressure,touch data can be described as "starting at bit B,
length N, multiply by Z". An array of these tokens should be able to
handle coordinates broken into several.
If this information could be passed as a module parameter, new
touchscreens could be supported without any kernel modification.
We could parse a definition "string", like this:
This string defines the touch driver for elotouch, 10 bytes packet (I
didn't include the pressure reading, for simplification).
I currently have 6 different "drivers" that would all fit into this
model. The same goes for all 3 elotouch protocols that you implemented.
Does this sound like a good idea?
If I find a minute, I'll possibly give it a test run. I've got actual
hardware around.
I don't believe the mirroring/flipping is kernel's job, since it tries
to always pass the data with the least amount of transformation applied
to achieve hardware abstraction.
This is one argument that I don't quite understand. Doesn't hardware
abstraction mean that the application should receive the "same" data
regardless of the hardware.
I would say that the kernel would do a good job in abstracting hardware,
if it always returned X,Y coordinates from [0..65535] (or something like
that) in always the same direction, regardless of the actual hardware
ACK. Should be handled by XFree86's driver.
Unfortunately, I don't use any X driver (The application runs over the
framebuffer), and I don't think it is a good idea to force people to use it.
Additionally, there are two other things that need to be addressed (and
I'm willing to actually write code for this, but need input from other
parties, too:)
- Touchscreen calibration
Basically all these touchscreens are capable of being
calibrated. It's not done with just pushing the X/Y
values the kernel receives into the Input API. These
beasts may get physically mis-calibrated and eg. report
things like (xmax - xmin) <= 20, so resolution would be
really bad and kernel reported min/max values were only
"theoretical" values, based on the protocol specs.
I think about a simple X11 program for this. Comments?
Touch screens doing this are severely brain-damaged. And yes, I've come
across a few of them, but not lately.
I would say that a tool to recover the touch screen into a "usable"
state, by talking directly to the serial port, and "calibrating" it to
max possible / min possible values would be the best way to deal with this.
Modern touchscreens just send the A/D data to the PC, and let the real
processor do the math (it can even do more complex calculations, like
compensate for rotation, etc.). IMHO calibration should be handled by
- POS keyboards
These are real beasties. Next to LEDs and keycaps, they
can contain barcode scanners, magnetic card readers and
displays. Right now, there's no good API to pass
something as complex as "three-track magnetic stripe
data" or a whole scanned EAN barcode. Also, some
keyboards can be written to (change display contents,
switch on/off scanners, ...).
We probably don't want magnetic stripe data to go through the input
event stream (although it is possible to do that), so a new interface
would be most likely necessary.
It's even worse. Most keyboards don't separate the real keys from
magnetic stripe reader events, and just simulate key presses for MSR
data. They expect the software to be in a state where it is waiting for
that data, and will process it accordingly.
What we've done in our application is to use the timings and sequence of
key presses to distinguish between normal key presses and MSR data :P
Paulo Marques -
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797)
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