Re: How to disable slow agpgart in kernel config?
From: Nick Warne
Date: Fri Feb 11 2005 - 13:05:28 EST
> > This surprises me, especially considering the in-kernel nvidia-agp driver
> > was actually written by NVidia. Are there any agp error messages in
> > your dmesg / X log ?
> With the nVidia own nv_agp it appears directly in all apps, very fast
> under GNOME 2.8.1. Why, I do not know. Also game (opengl) performance is
> faster with the nv_agp, that I haven't used the kernel agp for months, now.
This is interesting. I always used agpgart without a second thought (2.4.29,
GeForce4 MX with Via KT133 chipset).
I just read through the nVidia readme file, and there is a comprehensive
section on what module to use for what chipset (and card). It recommends
using the nVagp for my setup, so I just rebuilt excluding agpgart so I can
use the nVdia module.
I never had slowness as such in KDE or X apps, but playing quake2 openGL I
used to get a 'wave' type effect rippling down the screen occasionally. A
quick test using the nVagp module to have fixed that...
I will test for a few weeks.
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