Re: [OT] speeding boot process (was Re: [ANNOUNCE] hotplug-ng 001release)
From: Jim Crilly
Date: Sat Feb 19 2005 - 21:12:45 EST
Helge Hafting wrote:
No problem with the remote server, it does not depend on the local boot process.
The mail program connects directly to the remote server, all you need is the
network and it comes up so fast, it will come up way before X in a parallel boot.
Depends on the implementation and what's required for network connectivity
to the remote server. When I said that I was talking about the method that
Lee Revell talked about, where he said "We should start X and initialize the
display and get the login prompt up there ASAP, and let the system acquire
the DHCP lease and start sendmail and apache and get the date from the NTP
server *in the background while I am logging in*. It's not rocket science".
Obviously, if the network is started synchronously it won't matter.
Helge Hafting
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