Re: 2.6.11-rc4-mm1 : IDE crazy numbers, hdb renumbered to hdq ?
From: Andrew Morton
Date: Wed Feb 23 2005 - 15:16:17 EST
Helge Hafting <helge.hafting@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> This kernel came up, but my boot script complained about no /dev/hdb3
> when trying to mount /var.
> (I have two IDE disks on the same cable, and an IDE cdrom on another.)
> They are usually hda, hdb, and hdc.
> MAKEDEV hdq did not help. Looking at sysfs, it turns out that
> /dev/hdq1 is at major:3 minor:1025 if I interpret things right.
> (/dev/hda1 is at 3:1, which is correct.)
> These numbers did not work with my mknod, it created 7:1 instead.
> So I didn't get to test this mysterious device.
> But I assume this is a mistake of some sort, I haven't heard about any
> change in the IDE numbering coming up? 2.6.1-rc3-mm1 works as expected.
> It may be interesting to note that my root raid-1 came up fine,
> consisting of hdq1 and hda1 instead of the usual hdb1 and hda1.
I don't know what could be causing that. Please send .config. If you set
CONFIG_BASE_FULL=n, try setting it to `y'.
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