PHARISEE WATCH: Why Some Christians Can Not Pray for Peace

From: ccarl
Date: Sat Mar 05 2005 - 15:35:18 EST

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By Charles E. Carlson

Judaized-Christian churches focus on praising Jesus and accepting his ?free? favors of eternal life, while deemphasizing the commitment to follow Christ. Mainline or traditional churches are showing a marked tendency to follow the financially successful example of evangelical competitors, while still trying to preach the difficult doctrine of following Christ toward the ?strait gate.? Mainline churches are losing the battle in the marketplace, because they do not sufficiently understand why their competitors for men?s minds act as they do. If they understood the Judaized-Christian church in light of its history and teaching, they would not mirror it; they would renounce its heresy and trust in God to reward them for following Him.

Judaized-Christianity looks ever more like a political phenomenon with a religious face.* This well-defined term in preferable to the popular, idiomatic terms ?Christian Right? and ?Christian-Zionist,? formerly called ?pre-millennialism,? ?evangelical,? or ?dispensationalist.? Whatever you choose to call these people ( this author is a qualified long term alumnus) they have integrated secular Zionism into their religion. Not only do they embrace it as part of their belief system, they wear it as a banner of righteousness. In the November elections, the Judaized-Christians mandated ?war? in the Mideast by an overwhelming majority of about Six to four by choosing the one candidate who promised war. Neo-Crusade is a more descriptive word than ?war? because each one is an annihilation of more or less helpless peoples whose leader owns or does something our leaders covet or resent.

I recently listened to a sermon in a Lutheran (ELCA) Church. The traditional message was devoutly given, with a subtle admonition that each must be a follower of Christ to remain with him. But the format of the service was modern, employing the musical informality of the Judaized Christian movement. A guitarist and several harmonizers led a chorus projected by Power Point. The service mirrored those in thousands of Judaized-Christian churches, many of which now accept the ?Christian Zionist? label.

I am told by members the ELCA, not only in this church, but nationwide, has adopted, to some degree, the format of the Judaized-Christian churches in order to compete, while attempting to retain its more traditional view of scripture, at least on this issue. Many denominations are attempting to look like the Judaized Christians without actually being like them.

The question is: has all of Christendom abandoned its traditional faith in Christ to put on the trappings of Judaization? The answer is clearly no. Many traditional churches know that what they see happening in the marketplace is compromising Christianity. But they do not have the tools or the courage to compete against it, and they tend to say very little. Project Strait Gate?s effort is to provide the tools. God must provide the courage it takes to be different.

It can be generally stated, with a few exceptions, that mainline clergy members do not support the Judaized Christian premise that the present day State of Israel is the fulfillment of Biblical prophesy. They know it is biblical heresy to say so, and it is destructive. Jesus alone is the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophesy, and so every Christ follower should proclaim.

The Judaized-Christian notion that Israel is the fulfillment comes from accepting the World Zionist claim that ?God gave us this land.? It is the issue around which all war in the Mideast pivots. Without the assumption that Israel has a God-given claim to Arab-owned lands, there would be no reason for conflict in the Mideast. Israel would have to settle with its neighbors or admit to the world that it is a pariah and renegade. God?s alleged gift to them is Israel?s sole excuse for imprisoning its neighbors. Therefore, we must continually remind ourselves and seek the truth about the source of this claim, if we are to make any sense of the Mideast. America?s churches fail to do this.

Perhaps half the leaders of America?s churches accept Israel?s self-serving claim for ?scriptural? reasons. These we call the Judaized churches, and the Mormons can be included with the Southern Baptists. Others, Mainline Protestants, Orthodox and Catholic, do not accept Israel?s claim of God-given rights to Arab lands on corrupted scriptural grounds, but many members do. Most of those who oppose, unfortunately, do not make an issue of it.

Israel bases its claim to Arab lands on the Old Testament. No New Testament verses are mentioned, because Israel does not even acknowledge that Jesus ever existed; and if they do, they have nothing good to say about Him. The principal relevant verses are found in the first book of their Torah, Genesis, Chapter 12:1-3, where God makes a promise to a man named Abram, whose great grandson many years later is said to be called ?Israel.?

?[2] And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shall be a blessing.?

?[3] And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee. And in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.? Genesis 12:3, King James Version

Virtually all Judaized Christians interpret these two verses as a promise of Land to anyone who calls themselves an Israeli. It is a sort of last will and testament for perpetual ownership of what amounts to most of the Mideast. It is no surprise that most Israeli?s agree.

Judaized Christians accept the Israel?s land rights based on interpretive footnotes found in the Scofield Reference Bible and others, including the NIV Study Bible and the John McArthur Study Bible. Hundred of commentaries and teaching tools affirm the Israeli favorable view, using a variety of mechanisms of logic.

The Scofield notes, written in 1967, declare that the above verses mean:
?(2) God made an unconditional promise of blessings through Abram's seed (a) to the nation of Israel to inherit a specific territory forever.? (Scofield Reference Bible, 1967, page 19)

The fanatically pro-Zionist Scofield book goes so far as to state that:
?all Jews are natural descendants of Abraham? (page1138, note to John 8:37)

The Lutherans would be just as logical if they claimed that they are all natural descendants of Martin Luther. These bizarre interpretations are among the reasons we believe the World Zionist Movement, and not Cyrus I. Scofield, probably edited his book.*

THE WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES, in a press release carried in Haaretz, Israel, on February 23, 2005, stated ?The main global body uniting non-Catholic Christians, encouraged members Tuesday to sell off investments in companies profiting from Israeli control of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.? (Most Judaized Christian churches are not member of the WCC)

Not one word can be found anywhere in the New Testament that would justify taking the life of anyone, and killing those thousands of miles away who are not a threat should be unthinkable for one who calls himself by Jesus name. Nor is there anything in Jesus? words that would ever justify a follower of Christ to fund those who kill their neighbors and their neighbors? children, as Israeli solders and squatters do every day.

PART II WILL DIG DEEPER into the differences among Mainline, Orthodox, Judaized Christians and Catholics on the issue of financing Israel?s occupation and abuse of its neighbors. SUBSCRIBERS WILL RECEIVE IT MONDAY

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?Judaizer.? Webster, American Dictionary of the English Language 1828, ?One who conforms to the religious doctrine and rites of the Jews.? Webster refers to the book of Galatians. Found many time in NIV Study Bible, Galatians 3, 5 and Hebrews 1.






Why do millions pray for a quick rapture and destruction of planet earth? Written by a world journalist and adventurous war correspondent, author Grace Halsell made several trips to the Holy Land, the result of which she exposes the mythology of Judeo-Christianity movement and its "fruits" from Dispensationalism. Includes "Zion's Christian Soldiers" aired by CBS' "60 Minutes" Paperback c.2002 166 pages

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