Re: [patch] inotify for 2.6.11-mm1, updated
From: Robert Love
Date: Mon Mar 07 2005 - 23:52:09 EST
On Tue, 2005-03-08 at 04:40 +0000, Christoph Hellwig wrote:
> Why do you need the classdevice? I'm really not too eager about adding
> tons of new misdevices now that we can route directly to individual majors
> with cdev_add & stuff. Especially when you're actually relying on class
> device you should have your own one instead of relying on an onsolete
> layer.
We have sysfs knobs and /sys/class/misc/inotify makes sense.
> Actually, you fixed that in read_write.c, just compat.c is still missing.
> Looks like you forget to fix that one and didn't have a chance to compile-test
> the 32bit compat layer?
Yah, I just missed it. It is fixed in my tree.
Robert Love
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