Re: [BUG] 2.6.11- sym53c8xx Broken on pp64

From: Omkhar Arasaratnam
Date: Sun Mar 13 2005 - 15:34:00 EST

Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:

On Thu, 2005-03-10 at 11:05 -0600, Omkhar Arasaratnam wrote:

2.6.10 seems to have a different kernel panic which I'm investigating (could be a problem with my ramdisk as it happens in my linuxrc). So long story short the 2.6.10 sym driver looks ok.

Can you try 2.6.11 with the 2.6.10 sym driver ?


I copied over the code from drivers/scsi/sym53c8xx_2/ on 2.6.10 to the 2.6.11 dir. The machine didn't come back up after the reboot - I will have to wait till Monday to see the error as I do not have remote console access to the machine - I will report my findings then.


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