Re: USB mouse hiccups
From: viking
Date: Sun Mar 20 2005 - 20:38:50 EST
On Sun, Mar 20, 2005 at 04:41:29PM -0800, Andrew Morton wrote:
> viking <viking@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> > I did note something strange. I'm running at this moment, when I
> > tried, my USB Microsoft Wireless Optical Mouse stopped moving
> > from left to right, and would only move up and down if I physically moved
> > the mouse from left to right. I didn't see anything in the patches that
> > touched anything in the event handling, so frankly I'm puzzled.
> > Any clues as to where I need to look? I've seen this problem before, but
> > don't know what causes it, nor how I fixed it at the time.
> > Also, how do I get that patch that enables the tiltwheel (left-right
> > events)?
> Could you please test 2.6.12-rc1?
Yeesh. You ARE keen, aren't you. I'll attempt to do so over the next day or
so. Thanks.
/| _,.:*^*:., |\ Cheers from the Viking family, including Pippin, our cat
| |_/' viking@ `\_| |
| flying-brick | $FunnyMail : What do you mean, I've lost the plot?
\ 5.40 : I planted them carrots right here!!
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