Re: sched.c function

From: sounak chakraborty
Date: Thu Mar 24 2005 - 06:06:02 EST

> Tasks do not change their state without holding a
> lock. (There is an exception,
> but it is justified.)
list after that..
> So you want to record task state changes? That is
> better done at the right
> places in the kernel rather than traversing the task
> list repeatedly (the
> latter is not that performant).

So you want to say that only one task could be running
at a single time

but how to know which one
is there any way without traversing the task list
previously i thought of for_each_process(p)

but without this how to find which process is
currently running and other are sleeping
may it is through "current"

since the current->pid is only running
but i have to run this repeatedly to get the
information of currently running process(since this
may be for a fraction of a second and i can miss that
process if my loop is longer)
how to do that
fast timer
or any other way
i am little bit confused

> I would be interested in the background: what do you
> need to know the task
> states for?

i want to develop a task manager for threads.
the application reads properly the process information
and the thread information but not able to refresh the
thread information as i am building my own proc file
where only threads are there
i am distinguishing between process and thread at
with clone_vm set..

therefore i need to know which thread is currently
running or not

there is another problem i am discusing with you

i want to distinguish between thread and process and
after distinguishing between user thread and kernel
but i am unable to find any condition which will be
true for kernel level thread during creation and false
for user level thread
can you help me in this also

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