Re: Linux 2.6.9 Adaptec 4 Port Starfire Sickness

From: jmerkey
Date: Sun Apr 03 2005 - 02:37:48 EST

Jeff Garzik wrote:

jmerkey wrote:

With linux 2.6.9 running at 192 MB/S network loading and protocol splitting drivers routing packets out of
a 2.6.9 device at full 100 mb/s (12.5 MB/S) simultaneously over 4 ports, the adaptec starfire driver goes into
constant Tx FIFO reconfiguration mode and after 3-4 days of constantly resetting the Tx FIFO window and
generating a deluge of messages such as:

ethX: PCI bus congestion, resetting Tx FIFO window to X bytes

pouring into the system log file at a rate of a dozen per minute. After several days, the PCI bus totally locks up
and hangs the system. Need a config option to allow the starfire to disable this feature. At very
high bus loading rates, the starfire card will completely lock the bus after 3-4 days
of constant Tx FIFO reconfiguration at very high data rates with protocol splitting and routing.

The feature doesn't need disabling; just modify the driver to stop the flapping.


I am going to try to just turn off the Tx FIFO setting in the code completely and see if this helps, not just
the message. See what happens ...

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