Re: [rfc] git: combo-blobs
From: Barry K. Nathan
Date: Tue Apr 12 2005 - 00:59:05 EST
On Mon, Apr 11, 2005 at 06:33:58PM +0200, Ingo Molnar wrote:
> ok. Meanwhile i found another counter-argument: the average committed
> file size is 36K, which with gzip -9 would compress down to roughly 8K,
> with the commit message being another block. That's 2+1 blocks used per
> commit, while with deltas one could at most cut this down to 1+1+1
> blocks - just as much space! So we would be almost even with the more
> complex delta approach, just by increasing the default compression ratio
> from 6 to 9. (but even with the default we are not that bad.)
I think you forgot about reiserfs/reiser4 tails. (At least, I *think*
reiser4 has tails. I know reiserfs 3.x does.)
BTW, I happen to agree completely with Linus on this issue, but I still
figured I'd mention this for the sake of completeness.
-Barry K. Nathan <barryn@xxxxxxxxx>
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