On Wed, Apr 13, 2005 at 01:49:10PM +0200, Toralf Lund wrote:Hmmm. Seems like my original reply to this message got lost...
Yes. As I've (also) already said elsewhere, I knew that, really. The current build setup fails to do this partly for historical reasons, partly because the driver also supports different OSes. (And is still expected to build correctly with Linux 2.4, not just 2.6.)
Following trick works with both 2.4 and 2.6:What? Write a simple makefile that a normal human being may actually understand? Not autogenerate something utterly unreadable from something that's autogenerated from something that's ... ???
$(MAKE) -C Kernel_src_path SUBDIRS=$(PWD) modules
obj-m := mymodule.o
It obtains CFLAGS as expected etc.
People seems to do their best to avoid such a simple setup :-(
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