Re: GPL violation by CorAccess?
From: Richard B. Johnson
Date: Tue Apr 19 2005 - 16:46:51 EST
On Tue, 19 Apr 2005, Chris Friesen wrote:
Richard B. Johnson wrote:
Violation? They proudly reply in their article in
that they use Linux, that they embedded a version
of Red Hat, etc.
It's likely that they didn't modify anything in the kernel and
just used some stripped-down C-libraries to make everything fit.
Right. They're distributing products licensed under the GPL, so
sections 3-a and 3-b of the GPL apply.
Thus they can either a) accompany it with the source code, or b)
accompany it with a written offer to give any third party a copy of the
source code.
No. Accompany it with a written offer to __provide__ the source
code for any GPL stuff they used (like the kernel or drivers).
Anything at the application-level is NOT covered by the GPL.
They do not have to give away their trade-secrets.
Dick Johnson
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