Re: Linux 2.6.12-rc3
From: Alejandro Bonilla
Date: Wed Apr 20 2005 - 21:00:40 EST
Patrick McFarland wrote:
On Wednesday 20 April 2005 09:09 pm, Alejandro Bonilla wrote:
Why is kb not used anymore? What happened?
Linus decided that keyboards are out, and voice activation is in. Remember to
use a high quality microphone!
Ohh _G_ Is that Why!? I thought it was cause there were some problems
with 2 guys and a non-free Software? James gave me what I needed to
know. ;-) Thanks.
And I really hope that Linus can find a way to do things better for him
and everyone else. Hopefully someone can create an SCM as nice and good
as I read BK was...
Sorry for invoking this old topic.
- Alejandro
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