Re: Trying to coordinate moving subprojects to git
From: Tony Lindgren
Date: Mon May 02 2005 - 12:19:55 EST
Oops, incorrect address for Linus. Corrected in this one.
* Tony Lindgren <tony@xxxxxxxxxxx> [050502 09:41]:
> Hi Linus, Andrew & Len,
> Here's a slightly modified repost of my earlier message
> that got eaten by the mailing list filter :)
> I'm trying to summarize some earlier dicussions on how to
> coordinate moving BK projects over to git. This is probably
> of interest to many other subprojects as well.
> My main problem is where to host git trees for subprojects.
> Here's how I see the move to git happening for various
> subprojects:
> - Somebody is rumored to offer a git project site soonish.[1]
> When that is available, subprojects can configure git
> trees there.
> - Meanwhile, there should also be a BK repo for the latest
> kernel changes available soon.[2] Once that is available,
> it can be used for updating various trees.
> Now I wonder if anybody has more news on the following:
> - Who is working on setting a site available for git
> projects, and when is that site estimated to be available?
> - Is anybody working on mirroring git changes in a BK tree?
> I'm afraid I can't be much of help here setting up these sites
> with my 128Kbps upstream speed...
> Regards,
> Tony
> [1]
> [1]
> -
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