problem with nice values and cpu consumption in 2.6.11-5
From: Carlos Carvalho
Date: Tue May 03 2005 - 09:31:15 EST
Look at this cpu usage in a two-processor machine:
893 user1 39 19 7212 5892 492 R 99.7 1.1 3694:29 mi41
1118 user2 25 0 155m 61m 624 R 50.0 12.3 857:54.18 b170-se.x
1186 user3 25 0 155m 62m 640 R 50.2 12.3 103:25.22 b170-se.x
The job with nice 19 seems to be using 100% of cpu time while the
other two nice 0 jobs share a single processor with 50% only. This is
persistent, not a transient. I did a kill -STOP to the nice 19 job and
a kill -CONT, and for a while it decreased the cpu usage but later
returned to the above.
This is with kernel 2.6.11-5 and top 3.2.5. What's the reason for this
(apparent??) mis-behavior and how can I correct it? This is important
because the machine is used for number-crunching and users get really
upset when they don't get the expected share of cpu time...
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