Re: zImage on 2.6?
From: segin
Date: Tue May 03 2005 - 18:18:10 EST
Agreed. The idiot who keeps zImage as a possible target in the makefile should be taken out and
shot, or forced to use Windows.
--- Wakko Warner <wakko@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> segin wrote:
> > I'll be honest. zImage kernels are pointless, and are _BIGGER_ than a bzImage kernel.
> Others have stated this.
> > You should realize that use of zImage kernels detucts 100 points off your IQ.
> I was trying to do comparisions between the 2. I would not have cared
> as long as 1) it was smaller and 2) it worked.
> Maybe they should deduct 100 off whoever is keeping zImage target still in
> the make files.
> > Jeez... Is it just me or is it that most people today are too fucking retarded to use a
> computer?
> Uh, excuse me?! I ask a question and you have to do this?! Really, you are
> of no help to me.
> --
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Jeez... Is it just me or is it that most people today are too fucking retarded to use a computer?
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