Re: /proc/cpuinfo format - arch dependent!
From: Dr. David Alan Gilbert
Date: Sat May 07 2005 - 13:47:23 EST
* Ricky Beam (jfbeam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
> Your HT DC CPU counts as 4 cpus total... the same as two HT processors.
> The system does not fundamentally need to make a distinction on dual core
> vs. two actual chips + heat sinks + fans. The system will perform almost
> identically (if not acutally identically) to a dual (single core) processor
> system.
That *might* be the case for a current one; but I'm sure dual core
processors will end up sharing a level of cache/bus arbitration
sometime. Anyway it is a bit nasty not to real dual-core'd ness
to things, after all they might get upset if someone tried to hotswap
P.S. On the side note of early dual core chips; there is an R65c00/21
and R65c29 listed in a 1985 Rockwell datasheet I've got - dual 6502s!
-----Open up your eyes, open up your mind, open up your code -------
/ Dr. David Alan Gilbert | Running GNU/Linux on Alpha,68K| Happy \
\ gro.gilbert @ | MIPS,x86,ARM,SPARC,PPC & HPPA | In Hex /
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