Re: [PATCH] i386: Selectable Frequency of the Timer Interrupt.
From: Lee Revell
Date: Tue May 17 2005 - 18:29:24 EST
On Mon, 2005-05-16 at 17:55 -0700, christoph wrote:
> Runtime? That seems to be a bad idea. It would be better to rewrite
> the timer subsystem to be able to work tickless.
I agree 100%, I think it's especially crazy to allow selecting 100, 250,
500, etc, whether at runtime or compile time. Might as well just go
How do you expect application developers to handle not being able to
count on the resolution of nanosleep()? Currently they can at least
assume 10ms on 2.4, 1ms on 2.6. Seems to me that if you are no longer
guaranteed to be able to sleep 5ms on 2.6, you would just have to
busywait. Is it me, or does that way lie madness?
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