Re: [PATCH] binutils- can't compile 2.4.30
From: Herbert Rosmanith
Date: Mon May 23 2005 - 06:16:10 EST
> it's not right to try to 32bit move a segment register anyway.
hmm ... sorry for writing without checking. it's true that
as complains. but for e.g. nasm, it's no problem at all.
e.g. if you consider this example:
bash-2.05# cat test.nasm
bits 32
section .text
mov eax,ds
mov ds,eax
bash-2.05# nasm -f elf test.nasm
bash-2.05# objdump -d test.o
test.o: file format elf32-i386
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000 <.text>:
0: 8c d8 movl %ds,%eax
2: 8e d8 movl %eax,%ds
of course, it's still not possible to move 32 bits into a segreg,
so what? the processor will silently ignore the upper word, I guess.
(my ix86 handbook is in the office, so I can't look it up).
so, this probably means that it's *not* the linux kernel which contains
wrong code, but as from binutils-2.16 is being to restrictive when
doing sanity checking, agreed?
best regards,
herbert rosmanith
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