Resend: PATCH: Stop 2.6.12rc rmmod from being able to destroy CDhardware

From: Alan Cox
Date: Fri May 27 2005 - 07:22:31 EST

On an rmmod the cdrom layer when used with ide-cd issues a cache flush
atapi command to devices including those that do not support it.
According to Jens earlier discussion this isn't merely a minor glitch
but can destroy some CD hardware due to firmware bugs in the drive (as
per the Mandrake incident)

The IDE CD layer uses a mask of unsupported features, this means that
because ide-cd doesn't know about MRW writables it doesn't set the
relevant bit for non writables and harm can occur.

The simple fix is attached, making the driver start from ~0 and mask
bits the other direction would longer term be safer.

diff -u --new-file --recursive --exclude-from /usr/src/exclude linux.vanilla-2.6.12rc3/drivers/ide/ide-cd.c linux-2.6.12rc3-minoride/drivers/ide/ide-cd.c
--- linux.vanilla-2.6.12rc3/drivers/ide/ide-cd.c 2005-04-27 16:01:29.000000000 +0100
+++ linux-2.6.12rc3-minoride/drivers/ide/ide-cd.c 2005-05-01 14:09:35.000000000 +0100
@@ -2860,6 +2922,9 @@
devinfo->mask |= CDC_CLOSE_TRAY;
if (!CDROM_CONFIG_FLAGS(drive)->mo_drive)
devinfo->mask |= CDC_MO_DRIVE;
+ /* We must have this masked unless a drive definitely handles it */
+ devinfo->mask |= CDC_MRW_W;

devinfo->disk = info->disk;
return register_cdrom(devinfo);

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