Re: slow directory listing

From: Ron Peterson
Date: Fri Jun 10 2005 - 10:23:12 EST

On Fri, Jun 10, 2005 at 10:37:20AM -0400, rpeterso wrote:

> I'm setting up a new mail server, and am testing/tweaking IO. I have
> two directories: /test/a which contains 750 mbox files totalling 8GB,
> and /test/a2, which contains the exact same number of files, same names,
> all zero length.
> ...
> The times taken to do a directory listing are significantly different.

I've become more confused, if that's possible. I was just editing some
test script in emacs. As part of the script creation process I used the
M-! command to pipe the output of 'ls /test/a' into a buffer. It
snapped back almost instantly.

So this seems to have something to do w/ bash, not filesystems. I
think. So seems OT for this list, but I still don't understand where
the sluggishness comes from.

BTW, I just did the same test w/ XFS and the results were almost


Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Manager
Mount Holyoke College
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