'hello world' module

From: Ilan S.
Date: Sat Jun 11 2005 - 08:11:58 EST

Hello dear professionals!

I would be very thankful if anybody prompt me what's wrong.
I'm trying to build the "Hello world" module from O'Reilly's "Linux device
drivers" and that is what I get:

[ilanso@Netvision Kernel]$ make -C /home/ilanso/src/linux- M=`pwd`
make: Entering directory `/home/ilanso/src/linux-'
Building modules, stage 2.
make: Leaving directory `/home/ilanso/src/linux-'
[ilanso@Netvision Kernel]$ ls
hello.c Makefile
[ilanso@Netvision Kernel]$

Please email me to ilan_sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, because I'm not subscribed to
this mailing list yet...
Thanks in advance...
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