Re: A Great Idea (tm) about reimplementing NLS.
From: Stefan Smietanowski
Date: Mon Jun 13 2005 - 05:48:19 EST
Hash: SHA1
> I have a Great Idea about improving NLS in the linux kernel and I want
> somebody with kernel experience consider if it's good or not, just not
> to waste time on writing code that will be rejected.
> First of all, why do I think the current NLS implementation isn't good enough.
> Let's look at a situation. I'm using utf-8 as my default system
> charset, and my friend Vasiliy Pupkin, who uses koi8-r, wants to plug
> his flash drive (ext3) into my computer. It should work, except all
> non-us-ascii filenames will be totally unreadable. The problem is even
> bigger if I have an other friend's hard drive with reiserfs and cp1251
> encoded filenames on it. The problem is not only with Russian language
> for which we have at least 3 common encodings. Everyone who uses
> non-us-ascii letters can face the same problem, since there are at
> least 2 encodings for theyr language - utf-8 and an other one used
> before utf.
> Some would suggest not to use non-ascii file names at all, some would
> say that I should temporary change my locale, some could even offer me
> a perl script they wrote when faced the same problem. All these
> solutions are inconvenient and conflict with fundamental VFS concepts.
> Instead of adding NLS support to filesystems who don't have it yet, I
> think there should be a global NLS layer, to convert file names from
> any to any encoding, independent of file system and transparently to
> the user.
> So what do you think? Is it all nonsense or maybe I should try to implement it?
What do you do when a charset doesn't contain a char that another one
Compare the two very similar charsets ISO-8859-1 and ISO-8859-15 and
have the Euro-sign using ISO-8859-15. Then try to make that into
something sane.
Not knocking you or anything, you just have to think about these
// Stefan
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