Logic bug in 2.6.12 conservative cpufreq governor?
From: Kevin Radloff
Date: Sat Jun 18 2005 - 13:36:33 EST
The conservative cpufreq governor's "ignore_nice" sysfs parameter is
reversed from what I would expect:
% cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/conservative/ignore_nice
.. While it's not ignoring nice'd processes. Changing it to 0 causes
it to ignore them. That would seem to make sense only if it's supposed
to mean "ignore niceness of processes" vs "ignore nice'd processes"...
Is that so?
If it is, then wouldn't the name make more sense as "ignore_niceness"
or something equally less ambiguous? :)
Please CC me as I'm not on the list.
Kevin 'radsaq' Radloff
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