Re: IBM HDAPS Someone interested?
From: Pavel Machek
Date: Mon Jun 20 2005 - 15:19:27 EST
> > I don't think they have anything in the BIOS related to the HDAPS, else they
> > would have put something in it. (You can't even disable the chip in the
> > BIOS) I just think is the accelerometer, there, by itself with an extra card
> > they added.
> Well, some piece of software needs to park the HDD when the notebook is
> falling, and that piece of software should better be running since the
> notebook is powered on. Hence my suspicion it's in the BIOS. It doesn't
> have to be visible to the user, at all.
Actually yes, it needs to be visible to the user and no, it probably should not run during boot.
If user is in plane/train, accellerometers will basically detect problems all the time;
still you want to use the computer.
(And you still want the machine to boot => default == fall detection off).
IIRC there's windows program to control it.
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