Re: [git patch] urgent e1000 fix

From: Linus Torvalds
Date: Fri Jun 24 2005 - 11:41:49 EST

On Fri, 24 Jun 2005, Tomasz K³oczko wrote:
> Linus .. why for kernel tree can't be used indent or other source
> code formater ?

Sure, we do it, but then we try to make it obvious to all sides.

It's the "small and non-obvious" differences that are really poisonous.
You don't see them in the soruces, yet patches don't apply.

So don't do subtle whitespace "fixups" by default. It just makes everybody
unhappy down the line.

That's not to say that we don't do whitespace fixups _occasionally_. When
it's ugly enough to be noticeable, I sure as hell fix up whitespace. But
not by default.

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