Part-time job. Big money.-51460
From: Raveling G. Horsewoman
Date: Fri Jun 24 2005 - 16:34:27 EST
Dear Sir/Madam
Are you really looking for job?
Onne of thhe bigggest Financce Commpany of East Europpe is glad to offfer
excelllent worrk prroviding real monney to you!! No neeed to invvest or buy
prroductts in ordeer to work with us.
No money to start?
About us:
Financce Coompany, Latvia was foundded in 1995 by a team of
expperts. By noow our coompany has groown frrom a small coompany with 7
empployeees to an intternational grroup with sevveral reprresentative
offficees in differrent counttries of thhe worrld. Noowadays we are noot just
seelling and buying antiques, but are alsso dealing with orrganizationns
of intternational exxhibitionns, seeminars, tours and many otheer things.
For more information:
Our vacancies:
Noow clientts of our coompany coonduct financial opeerationns all oveer
worrld inccluding Austtralia, but due to sufficiennt perrfection in Banking
Seervice we have somme difficulties in transslation and reoorganization of
our busineess, therrefore we are planning to opeen brancches in which we
reequire Austtralians. Noow we are loooking foor financial assistantts whho
will be responnsiblle to acceept paymentts froom our clientts. At this
momment we proovide and offfer woork at hoome, afteer opeening offficees in
Austtralia, you will have an oppportunity for working in our offices as
Tooday we are loooking foor financial assistantts that will be
to acccept paymeents froom cliennts thhrough bank transfeer, beecause of
impperfection of bank systeem. Austtralian partneers of our clientts have
somme difficulties with seending bank transslationns and cheeques to East
Euroope. You can make 10 % commmission froom eveery transffer you will
recceive thhrough reelative to our busineess. Thhe reest neeeds to be
transferreed to our commpany's reppresentative by Westerrn Union; all
Westeern Union feees are paid by us. On aveerage you will be making 2,000
US Dollars per week.
We beelievve that you can geet goood future and achievemeents in our
businesss. If our offfer is inteeresting to you, pllease feeel freee in
seending a mail to our HR offfice. Foor moore infformation our creew of
Human Ressourcces is ready to ansswer all your questions.
If you are ready to beegin with us woork you shhould make thhe
go to our weeb site "Leave Reesume" Afteer you have
made during 24 hours we to you we shall sennd thhe coontract and we
shall start to woork as sooon as posssible with you.
Sincerrely yours,
Elite Joob Commpany. Latvia
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