Re: 0xffffe002 in ??
From: Robert Hancock
Date: Fri Jun 24 2005 - 21:39:17 EST
KV Pavuram wrote:
I think the threads are going into that strange
address when they are waiting over an IPC object like
semaphore or mutex. Atleast i saw a thread come out of
that strange address immed. after another threads
released a semaphore!!
Thanks for the inputs.
We've seen that behavior on Red Hat 9 at work as well. However, when we
moved up to the Fedora Core 1 2.4.22 kernel (due to some apparent
futex/NPTL bugs in the RH9 kernel) we noticed that the correct pthread
call was listed in the stack trace.
Robert Hancock Saskatoon, SK, Canada
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