Re: reiser4 plugins
From: Hubert Chan
Date: Wed Jun 29 2005 - 16:05:40 EST
On Wed, 29 Jun 2005 13:19:12 -0400, Horst von Brand <vonbrand@xxxxxxxxxxxx> said:
> Markus TÃrnqvist <mjt@xxxxxxxx> wrote: [...]
>> Note that MacOS has the monopoly on what they ship, Linux has a
>> motherload of file managers and window systems and all.
> Yep. Part of what is nice about it, too ;-)
I guess that's why Apple doesn't want to make its X11 support too good.
Otherwise the Mac world would get flooded with X11 programs that don't
work the same way as the rest of the Mac programs.
>> What pisses me off is the fact that Gnome and friends implement their
>> own incompatible-with-others VFS's and automounters and stuff.
> Then get them to agree on a common framework! They are trying hard to
> get other parts of the GUI work well together, so this isn't far off
> in wishfull thinking land.
I honestly hope you're right. The more cooperation we have between
GNOME and KDE and everyone else, the better.
>> Surely supporting this in the kernel and extending the LSB to require
>> this is the best step to take without infringing anyone's freedom as
>> such.
> Right. So then we have Gnome's way of doing things (Gnome isn't just
> for Linux!), KDE's way, XFCE's way, ... (ditto). Plus the kernel
> way. Flambee with a monthly thread on all reachable fora about "Why on
> &%@# does the %&~#@ GUI not use the *#%&@ kernel's way?!".
GNOME has HAL, their hardware abstraction layer, which uses (I assume)
the kernel's facility to interact with the hardware. If someone ports
GNOME to Windows, then HAL would use the Windows way to interact with
the hardware. I can't see why it can't do something similar with the
filesystem. Because who knows, maybe Gnumeric will need to access
substream data under Windows to open an Excel file properly. Or
Nautilus may have to read ... OS/2 extended attributes :-/
Hubert Chan <hubert@xxxxxxxxx> -
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