updating kernel to 2.6.13-rc1 from 2.6.12 + CONFIG_DEVFS_FS + empty/dev
From: Eric Valette
Date: Wed Jun 29 2005 - 16:13:29 EST
For years now my /dev has been empty. When upgrading to 2.6.13-rc1 from
2.6.12, and updating my kernel config file via "make oldconfig" I got no
visible warning about CONFIG_DEVFS_FS options being set (or at least did
no see it).
The result, however, was *for sure* a non functionnal system and adding
udev as a defvs replacement will of course not help as I understand this
kernel needs *anyway* a minimal filesystem to boot.
While I do not want to re-enter the endless devfs versus udev merit
(allthough I personnaly strongly believe udev is just too slow for
embedded system boot compared to devfs without devfsd) I think that this
potential problem should be clearly mentionned in the release note for
2.6.13 or at least something like "a minimal devfs able to boot emty
/dev installation" be integrated as a replacement.
For the rest of the problem, I will just waste some inodes to have a
minimal /dev back (which I think is a clear regression).
This mail intend to point out that removing a feature in the stable
series can break existing "real life" installations which, by the way,
did not break as badly as that for years. It sometimes broke using -mm
stuffs but was just a matter of waiting for a patch. I will not get a
patch for my problem.
No flame intended just feed back from end-user experience.
-- eric
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