Mentoring - No charge
From: asrct1rred
Date: Mon Jul 04 2005 - 16:01:56 EST
This week I showed more than 60 people
how to get over 20 sign/ups each week.
How much would that be worth to you?
Let me mentor you. I mentor at no charge.
I will show you how to get 100's of paid/for
sign/ups eas.ily and without spending a cent
on normal mark.eting campaigns.
I can mentor you personally on a powerful
"One to One" basis and supply you with
contact details of thousands of pre-qualified
people who will join your business (subject
to individual terms).
I will make your bus/iness earn up to 500
times more than it currently is and that's
a guarantee.
I can help all types of bus/iness.opps,
m/l.m, net/work mark.eting programs and
any other type of web site on the 'net
like mainstream or niche retail or mem.ber
If you are interested just ask.
For example:
I will show you how to drive sign/ups to
your business almost handsfree. The only
thing you have to do, is start the snowball
rolling the and rest is fully automated.
I will mentor you, to show you how to
promote using e.mail mark/eting to get
huge results while spending almost nothing
using cheap pre-qualified targeted contact
I will show you how to get into the top 10
search results for 5 keywords on the best
20 search engines to include Google, MSN,
Yahoo etc.
I can help anyone with any type of business.
There is no restriction to the type of
business you want me to help you build
providing its legal.
To find out if I can mentor you please send
me an email to:
888mentors@xxxxxxxxx with "mentor_me" in the
subject and your business name, URL and own
name in the message.
Asking for more information.
I reserve the right to refuse my service to
anyone without breaching my code of conduct
or advertising standards. In such instances
I am not obliged to give a reason for
refusal of my mentoring service. To find out
if I can mentor you please send me an email
to: 888mentors@xxxxxxxxx with "mentor_me" in the
subject and your business name and URL and
own name in the message.
If I have upset you in any way by sending
you this email please forgive me and send
an email to: 888mentors@xxxxxxxxx with the
word "off" in the subject and I will
never bother you again.
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