wireless lan, defragmentation in driver module.
From: P Lavin
Date: Tue Jul 05 2005 - 04:59:07 EST
I need help in the following issue, i'll explain the mechanisum & the
problem i'm facing,
1) In the existing wireless lan driver we've MPDU's & MSDU's, all the
MPDU's are handled by the firmware where as all the MSDU's by the
driver. Now i need to implement 802.11E protocol based block ack
mechanisum, in this mechanisum ther will not be any wirelss ack's for
each MPDU's insted the Transmitter can request for Blockack by
transmitting BlockAck.request , for which the receiver will respond with
an block ack by indication all the lost mpdu's.
The MSDU's given by the driver/os can be fragmented in the MAC(by
firmware) if the packet is exceeding the fragmentation threshold limit.
Previously the defragmentation was done in firmware but as firmware is
lacking memory we've to move the de-fragmentation (only in block ack
mechansum) into driver. In the old driver this was not a problem because
driver will get only MSDU's & not MPDU's. So that i can happely copy
these packets from our h/w queue into an sk_buff & give it to OS,
a) in the present case i cannot do this if block.ack mechanisum was
established, i'll get only mpdu's & i've to assemble it & form the MSDU's.
b) I'll have a scheduler who'll come & take these packets from my
software queue's & give it to OS.
So i need to know
a) whenever i've 10mpdu's of an MSDU from Station A to be
transmitted into StationB
mpdu's 3, 7 & 9 are lost this we'll indicate in the block-acksent
whenever transmitter is requesting for block ack using blockack.request
, but in the receiver all these mpdu's has to be stored untill station A
succesfully transmits all the lost mpdu's. Once these mpdu's are
received correctly i've to put these mpdu's in the correct position &
form the MSDU, then only i can give this MSDU to OS.
This is the scenario which can happen in a simple MSDU transfer from
station A to B.
Is it possible to allocate one skbuff for one packet (this will be
mainatained in my s/w queues), as & when some mpdu's come i'll insert
it in the correct offset ??Weather any kernel calls are available for
manipulating skbuff. i searched in net/core.c but i was not sure weather
this can be used in my own de-fragmentation mechanism...
Or should i directly maintain my own buffers & copy it only in the end
to a single skbuff, i dont think this a good way coz this will decrease
the performance of the mechanisum !!!
Can anyone help me !
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