Can Linux remain to be general purpose OS ?
From: SVR Anand
Date: Thu Jul 07 2005 - 08:27:32 EST
I have been following Linux kernel development for many years. Of late there seems to be a
general trend in expecting Linux kernel to do specialized tasks to cater to specific end-user
applications. This could even mean that the kernel algorithms that make Linux a generic OS
may have to be customized to serve these specialized needs which would not be possible
otherwise. Thinking aloud, would it make sense to make Linux kernel take a different "avatar"
depending on the user specificities, say through a configurable option while building the
kernel, or a heuristic or any other approach ?
The above concern is motivated by growing expectations from the community to use Linux not
merely as a general purpose OS but in specific environments as well. One could argue that
there could be many specific variants possible, but if we could capture some of them that
could serve the purpose in most cases.
Please pardon me if I have sounded too generic. I hope I have conveyed basic idea.
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