Re: [Hdaps-devel] RE: Head parking (was: IBM HDAPS things are looking up)
From: Shawn Starr
Date: Thu Jul 07 2005 - 14:08:24 EST
You can take the .exe file and turn this into a bootable CD (using a RW CD) I
forgot how I did it, but if I remember correctly, I took a floppy dos image
and made that into the boot 'stub' and threw the exe into the CD (a la
I flashed the disk firmware once since I got the laptop.
On July 7, 2005 14:51, Erik Mouw wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 07, 2005 at 11:45:38AM -0700, Martin Knoblauch wrote:
> > If IBM would provide a CD image (bootable ISO) containing FW for all
> > supported drives - that would be great. No need for the "other OS" any
> > more.
> I can imagine IBM doesn't do that because in that way you can't update
> the firmware of the CD/DVD drive. Bootable FreeDOS floppy images would
> be a nice idea, though.
> Erik (not a ThinkPad owner)
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