Re: SCSI DVD-RAM partitions

From: Thomas Heinz
Date: Tue Jul 12 2005 - 03:24:20 EST

Hi Christoph

You wrote:
While adding support for partitions on sr is trivial it has a huge
drawback: it's chaning the dev_t space by using up device numbers
for partitions, so /dev/sr0 ff will have different device numbers
with that change applied. I have an old patch that's supposed to
enable support for partitioned scsi removable devices at, I'm not sure it
actually ever worked (but you should get the basic idea from it)

Ok, thanks for your valuable input. In fact, I thought about making
the device available both as /dev/srX and /dev/sdX at the same time
in order to support partitions. In my case it would even suffice to
make it available as /dev/sdX instead of /dev/srX.

Since I have no expert knowledge about this topic, I would be
interested in the general attitude towards "partitions on SCSI
DVD-RAM media / SCSI removable devices":
- Are partitions intentionally not supported? If so, why?
- Does it usually work but not with my specific DVD-RAM model?
If so, why?
- Do you think that this should be fixed?

Please note that personally, I can live with the "losetup hack"
since it is easy enough to write a program which encapsulates
partition mounting. However, there might be people which would
prefer plugging in a (possibly pre-)partitioned medium and
having the partitions work out of the box in the expected way.


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