Re: Linux On-Demand Network Access (LODNA)

From: Vlad C.
Date: Thu Jul 14 2005 - 14:40:59 EST

--- Hans Reiser <reiser@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> You might look into SFS by David Mazieres, some
> concepts in it are
> likely to interest you.

Thank you for your suggestion. I've taken a look at
SFS (, and I like its
emphasis on user-friendliness and security. It's a
toss-up between SFS and SSHFS
(, since they
allow non-root users to mount and they're secure.

I tend to lean towards SSHFS since it only needs to be
installed on the client (as opposed to SFS, which must
be installed on client and server). The server side of
SSHFS is the just sshd, which has been heavily tested
and works out of the box on most modern systems. SFS
also has some minor idiosyncrasies, like mounting
everything under /sfs and including cryptographic
hashes as part of directory names (both of which can
be overcome with symlinks).

Best regards,

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