Re: Buffer Over-runs, was Open source firewalls

From: RVK
Date: Fri Jul 15 2005 - 01:44:32 EST

Brian O'Mahoney wrote:

First there are endless ways of stopping DAMAGE from buffer
over-runs, from code that accepts user data, eg extend buffer, dont
use dangerous strxxx functions .... so while you can move
stuff to proxies, and that has been done extensively e.g.
for sendmail it is a cop-out, far better fix the application;

Next, while all buffer over runs are very bad it is only those
that stamp on the stack, overwriting the return address stored
there and implanting viral code to be executed, that are truely

To do that you need to know a lot of things, the architecture
ie executing x86 code on a ppc will get you no-where, you must
know, and be able to debug your mal-ware against a stable
target, and this is why the _VERY_ slowly patched Windoze is
so vulnerable, and finally you really need to know the stack
base, top of stack, normally growing downward, and ... be able
to actually run code out of the stack space;

and if any one of these conditions are not true, eg I compiled
sendmail with a newer GCC, stack is not executable, ...

the exploit just fails or crashes an app and then you go after

Even in the presence of non-executable stack, Linux Torvalds explains that "It's really easy. You do something like this: 1) overflow the buffer on the stack, so that the return value is overwritten by a pointer to the system() library function. 2) the next four bytes are crap (a "return pointer" for the system call, which you don't care about) 3) the next four bytes are a pointer to some random place in the shared library again that contains the string "/bin/sh" (and yes, just do a strings on the thing and you'll find it). Voila. You didn't have to write any code, the only thing you needed to know was where the library is loaded by default. And yes, it's library-specific, but hey, you just select one specific commonly used version to crash. Suddenly you have a root shell on the system. So it's not only doable, it's fairly trivial to do. In short, anybody who thinks that the non-executable stack gives them any real security is very very much living in a dream world. It may catch a few attacks for old binaries that have security problems, but the basic problem is that the binaries allow you to overwrite their stacks. And if they allow that, then they allow the above exploit. It probably takes all of five lines of changes to some existing exploit, and some random program to find out where in the address space the shared libraries tend to be loaded."


but your system is not compromised.

One final point, in practice, you get lots of unwanted packets
off the internet, and in general you do not want them on your
internal net, both for performance and security reasons, if you
drop them on your router or firewall then you dont need to
worry if the remote app is mal-ware.

mit freundlichen GrÃÃen, Brian.


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