Re: I can not build a new kernel image with a assembly module
From: linux-os (Dick Johnson)
Date: Mon Aug 08 2005 - 09:18:36 EST
On Mon, 8 Aug 2005, mhb wrote:
> Hi
> I had added an assembly program to the networking
> section of kernel linux 2.2.16 without any problem.
> But when I add it to kerenel 2.4.1 I could build that
> kernel, but I faced with kernel panic error when I
> boot
> system with new builded image. I use the following
> Make file to build It in the 2.4.1 kernel.
> /*--------------------------------*/
> L_TARGET := libtest.a
> obj-$(CONFIG_TEST) += test.o
> override CFLAGS += -Wpointer-arith
> override CFLAGS += -Wbad-function-cast
> override CFLAGS += -DTERMIO
> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Section 3 - Conversion routines from new style to
> old style for Rules.make
> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Section 4 - Rules.make section
> include $(TOPDIR)/Rules.make
> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Section 5
> $(obj-y): $(TOPDIR)/include/linux/config.h\
> $(TOPDIR)/include/linux/autoconf.h
> clean:
> -rm -f *.o
> tags:
> ctags libtest.a
> tar:
> tar -cvf /dev/f1 .
> test.o: test1.o test2.o test3.o
> $(LD) -r -o $@ test1.o test2.o test3.o
> test3.o: test3.s
> $(AS) -o $@ $<
> #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> As you can see test3.s is an assembly file.
> I guess this problem is related to this Makefile.
> Is this Make file true?
> How can I win over this problem?
> thanks
The newer kernels may pass parameters in registers instead of
on the stack. If you haven't done this in the past, you need
to declare your assembly-language modules as:
extern asmlinkage int function(params,...);
|_________ Parameters on the stack.
To prevent experimental kernels from redefining asmlinkage, I
#define OnStack __attribute__((regparm(0))) // Some header somewhere
extern OnStack int function(params,...);
Here is a typical Makefile to build a module outside the source-code
tree. It has many assembly-language source files.
# This program may be distributed under the GNU Public License
# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 Boston, MA, 02111.
# Project Makefile for kernel versions over 6
# Created 05-OCT-2004 Richard B. Johnson
# Note that macro "obj" refers to this directory when
# make is executing from the kernel directory.
as -o $@ $<
VERS := $(shell uname -r)
CDIR := $(shell pwd)
MKNOD = /usr/bin/mknodp
FNAM = HeavyLink
OBJS = datalink.o min_size_t.o license.o ram_test.o\
rwcheck.o seeprom.o rwreg.o rnd.o\
rdtsc.o dma_buffer.o ioctltxt.o
all: chkhdrs
@make V=1 -C /usr/src/linux-$(VERS) SUBDIRS=$(CDIR) modules
strip -x -R .note -R .comment $(FNAM).ko
obj-m := $(FNAM).o
$(FNAM)-objs := $(OBJS)
$(obj)/min_size_t.o: $(obj)/min_size_t.S $(obj)/Makefile
$(obj)/license.o: $(obj)/license.c $(obj)/Makefile
$(obj)/ram_test.o: $(obj)/ram_test.c $(obj)/Makefile
$(obj)/rwcheck.o: $(obj)/rwcheck.S $(obj)/Makefile
$(obj)/rwreg.o: $(obj)/rwreg.S $(obj)/Makefile
$(obj)/rnd.o: $(obj)/rnd.S $(obj)/Makefile
$(obj)/rdtsc.o: $(obj)/rdtsc.S $(obj)/Makefile
$(obj)/ioctltxt.o: $(obj)/ioctltxt.s
$(obj)/datalink.o: $(obj)/datalink.c $(obj)/datalink.h\
$(obj)/config.h $(obj)/types.h\
$(obj)/plx.h $(obj)/dlb.h\
$(obj)/ver.h $(obj)/Makefile\
$(SUBDIRS)/bool.h $(SUBDIRS)/kver.h
$(obj)/dma_buffer.o: $(obj)/dma_buffer.c $(obj)/datalink.h\
$(obj)/config.h $(obj)/Makefile\
$(obj)/seeprom.o: $(obj)/seeprom.c $(obj)/plx.h\
$(obj)/types.h $(obj)/Makefile
chkhdrs: ../tools/chkhdrs.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -o chkhdrs ../tools/chkhdrs.c
$(SUBDIRS)/chktrue: $(SUBDIRS)/../tools/chktrue.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -o $(SUBDIRS)/chktrue $(SUBDIRS)/../tools/chktrue.c
$(SUBDIRS)/bool.h: $(SUBDIRS)/chktrue
cd $(SUBDIRS) ; $(SUBDIRS)/chktrue
$(SUBDIRS)/mkioctltxt: $(SUBDIRS)/mkioctltxt.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -o $(SUBDIRS)/mkioctltxt $(SUBDIRS)/mkioctltxt.c
$(SUBDIRS)/ioctltxt.s: $(SUBDIRS)/mkioctltxt $(SUBDIRS)/datalink.h
cd $(SUBDIRS) ; $(SUBDIRS)/mkioctltxt
$(SUBDIRS)/chkver: $(SUBDIRS)/../tools/chkver.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -o $(SUBDIRS)/chkver $(SUBDIRS)/../tools/chkver.c
$(SUBDIRS)/kver.h: $(SUBDIRS)/chkver
cd $(SUBDIRS) ; $(SUBDIRS)/chkver $(VERS)
install: $(MKNOD)
@sh install
$(MKNOD): ../tools/mknodp.c
make -C ../tools
rm -rf $(OBJS) $(FNAM).ko $(FNAM).mod.c $(FNAM)*.o \.*.cmd \
chkhdrs \.tmp_versions chktrue bool.h kver.h *.s mkioctltxt chkver
@sh clean
Dick Johnson
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